Downtown Development
Want to be a part of the downtown movement? Check out the information below on the Loft Grant Project, State Incentive Programs, and our new historic downtown district that will allow for State and Federal tax incentives! The opportunity is HERE and NOW! If you have a heart and passion for developing Great Bend, this page is for you!

The Loft Grant
Did you know that there is around 256,000 SF of unused upper floor space in our downtown? The loft grant project was created to help property owners close the gap on useable space. We want to see livable downtown space, expanded business space and overall more opportunities for an active downtown corridor.
With this grant, downtown property owners are eligible to receive $5.50 per interior building square foot. Contact Sara at director@gbedinc.com with questions and interest in applying.
For more guidance please view the Financial Feasibility presentation below.
The Rooms Grant
A Grant Program for Kansas Main Street Designated Communities
Our historic buildings were originally built with the intent of fully utilizing all original floors of a building, not just the first floor. Upper-floor investments can create new housing opportunities, as well as open up spaces for incubator and office space that could be moved from prime retail space on the first floor of buildings into the second and third floors.
Downtown housing enhances the overall livability and functionality of downtown, leads to increased investment, improved infrastructure, and a positive cycle of economic growth, and fosters a greater sense of place and community identity.
The goal of this grant program is to encourage renovation and improvements in the upper floors of commercial buildings in local Main Street districts consistent with proven Main Street practices, including those that retain unique historic elements and use materials that lower operating costs by conserving energy. The expected outcome of this program is to create new housing opportunities in downtown commercial districts, rehabilitate or preserve properties, and create a stronger tax base

Historic Economic Asset Lifeline (HEAL)
Similar to our local loft grant project, the State of Kansas has also seen the value in renovating our State's historic downtown properties to allow for commercial uses and housing opportunities.
With this grant, downtown property owners are eligible to receive $20 per building square foot up to $75,000. Learn more and see the grant application below.
This grant program has been CLOSED. Check back for the latest in downtown grant programs. Check out the program guides below to better prepare for the next grant launch!