Education & Training
Great Bend is home to Barton Community College, numerous on-job training programs, and tons of additional opportunities to learn valuable skills that will prepare you to join the workforce! Browse this page to learn more about the educational services that are available in our area.

Barton Community College
Barton Community College serves over 15,000 students each year and offers much in the ways of degree paths and technical training. Barton has always had an excellent relationship with the city and our workforce, and is constantly evolving to create the programs our business owners need to hire an advanced workforce to elevate their business. Below please find some of the top programs that have been most beneficial to our employers. You can click the titles for a more in depth look at each program. These programs and so many more are available now.
This program is designed to provide training and formal education for those entering the emergency management field as well as those currently in the field who require additional training and education. A large percentage of these professionals serve as part time emergency managers with their full-time position being law enforcement (city, county or state), emergency medical services, or of these professionals lack formal education and training in this field. A student may receive credit for work experience, military experience, military schools and civilian education
The Workforce Training & Community Education Division is dedicated to meeting regional and community workforce needs by serving students and employers with quality education and training opportunities.
The Barton Agriculture Program includes options in Agriculture Business Management, Fertilizer and Chemical Application and Crop or Livestock Production. Agriculture graduates are in high demand whether they achieve a two-year or four-year degree.
This is an introduction to residential construction and focuses on basic rough carpentry, the students will learn how to construct floors, walls, ceilings, roofs, and stairs, as well as how to install doors and window
Barton’s CDL course is designed to provide the training necessary to obtain a Class A license with an airbrake endorsement. Learn, Drive, Practice and Test in one rig!
There are many opportunities in the Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution industry for those with a strong technical background. The Gas Pipeline Tech program provides training in comprehensive gas industry technologies recommended by regional gas pipeline companies.
Gas Measurement
The Gas Measurement Tech Program provides training that is owned and maintained by the Gas Measurement Training Council of the Southern Gas Association and focuses on in depth measurement and instrumentation technologies.
The Scale Technician Certificate is a 25 credit hour, one semester program for individuals wanting to work in the weights and measures industry.
Through a variety of classroom and/or shop/lab learning and assessment activities, the students in this course will learn how to identify basic lines, views, and abbreviations used in blueprints, and much more.
This is an introductory program that covers commercial and residential plumbing in new construction, including installation and repair of drain, waste and vent, water systems, and gas. Plumbing code is covered, as well as safety, blueprint reading, and construction.
The Promise Scholarship is designed to increase Kansans’ access to community colleges and technical schools. The program is available to Kansas high school graduates, Kansans 21 and older who have resided in the state for at least three years, and dependents of Military servicemembers. Select career and technical education programs will qualify.
The Central Kansas Educational Opportunity Center (CKEOC) has been developed to respond to the increasing educational need of adults. CKEOC staff can provide assistance in the areas of:
Training and education choices
Financial aid
Career planning
Financial literacy
Does your new hire really have the strength or fitness needed to do the job for which you are hiring them?
Is your new hire bringing an old injury/liability to their position in your company?
Is your employee ready to return to the same job after injury?
This program was created to answer these questions. WorkFit is a partnership between Advanced Therapy and Sports Medicine and Barton Community College dedicated to reducing work-related injuries and associated costs for employers.
Offering over (17) seventeen different program categories, Barton is your first stop to building the workforce you desire.
Kansas WorkforceONE is our local workforce development board dedicated to working with our community and business owners/operators and job seekers to help them hire, train and retain the best workforce possible. Kansas WorkforceONE is guided by WIOA, which brings together, in strategic coordination, the core programs of Federal investment in skill development. As a potential employer in Great Bend you would have the opportunity to utilize many programs offered by Kansas WorkforceONE to enhance your workforce. Some of the key programs offered are listed below. For a more in-depth look at their services, please click here.
Workforce preparation workshops / services - basic academic skills, critical thinking skills, digital literacy skills, self-management skills, work ethics, working with others, and utilizing resources.
Work Experience, Internships and Apprenticeships
Demand driven occupational skills training with an Eligible Training Provider
Allows for the employer to be reimbursed for up to 50 percent of a participant’s salary for a negotiated period of time as compensation for the extraordinary costs of training new hires and for the costs associated with lower productivity of participants while they are being trained. The training is provided by the employer while the participant is engaged in productive work that provides knowledge or skills essential to performing the job.
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